Ten Thoughts on Why Being Open-minded Does Not Mean Clueless
Open-mindedness is a trait that’s often misunderstood. In some circles, it is viewed as dangerous and the source of all kinds of evil. However, it is the key to opening new doors, adventures, and relationships, personally and in our careers.
Some portray it as being wishy-washy on issues versus taking and standing on something that matters passionately. However, being open-minded will slow down the progression into divisiveness, darkness, and isolation due to the willingness to leave our comfort zones and live life to the fullest.
Collaboration works much better when people are open-minded. Huge problems can be solved effectively and permanently when people work together for a common purpose, which requires open-mindedness.
Freedom becomes real when we allow ourselves, those around us, and other cultures to breathe the creativity and innovation that open-mindedness will enable us to express. The hard part of being open-minded is that we must be willing to temper our egos and allow ourselves to recognize the value of others.
Here are my ten thoughts on why being open-minded does not mean being clueless:
1. Depth of Understanding: Open-minded individuals often deeply understand various topics. They’re willing to consider multiple perspectives, which means they’ve often explored topics more thoroughly than those with a narrower view. They can be specialist, but they recognize how that specialty fits into the bigger picture of culture and innovation.
2. Critical Thinking: Being open-minded means weighing evidence before forming an opinion. This requires a strong sense of critical thinking, the antithesis of cluelessness. Too often today, people choose and express opinions not based on facts or logical truth but rather on emotions and biases. This creates divisiveness and walls, inhibiting the path to diversity and inclusion.
3. Embracing Uncertainty: Open-mindedness acknowledges that certainty is rare, especially in complex matters. This recognition doesn’t denote a lack of knowledge but rather a mature understanding of the limitations of human knowledge. We must recognize that not everything is black and white, nor can everything be broken down into simple, rational factors, and open-mindedness provides a path.
4. Learning Attitude: Open-minded people are perpetual learners. They’re always ready to update their beliefs based on new information, so they are often more informed than those who stubbornly stick to their initial beliefs. Regular examination of beliefs can help anyone see the strength of their current beliefs and the opportunity to expand them. We should never fear learning, only fear being manipulated.
5. Flexibility: While some might equate flexibility with being easily swayed, it’s a sign of strength. Adapting one’s beliefs based on evidence indicates a robust, not clueless, mindset. Being flexible allows one to stand in another’s shoes and experience the good that humanity has to offer. Flexibility allows one to choose the right path after examining every action’s alternatives, costs, and penalties.
6. Avoiding Confirmation Bias: Open-minded individuals actively seek out information that contradicts their beliefs. They aren’t simply accepting every idea at face value but are instead discerning about the information they consume. Confirmation bias locks one into groupthink and cults because we limit the input only to those that feed the bias, ignoring anything that may shed a different light on the subject. Social media is filled with feeding troughs for those seeking to reinforce their confirmation bias, as evidenced by the number of followers. Being open-minded allows one to see them for what they are, just manipulation.
7. Tolerance: An open mind often goes hand in hand with tolerance. Recognizing and valuing diverse perspectives is a sign of wisdom and depth, not a lack of understanding. However, culture, personal experience, biases, and values, family influence human tolerance. It is a multifaceted concept that will vary from person to person and situation to situation. For example, there is substance, physical, emotional, cultural, and risk tolerance, but intolerance represents an inability to endure or accept certain conditions or beliefs. Often leading to discrimination and prejudice.
8. Emotional Intelligence: Open-mindedness often correlates with high emotional intelligence. Understanding and empathizing with various viewpoints requires reading and resonating with, not manipulating, others’ emotions and motivations. The fundamental understanding here is that resonating is about genuine connection and understanding, whereas manipulating involves trying to control or influence, often with ulterior motives.
9. Awareness of Complexity: The world is intricate, and many issues are multifaceted. Open-minded individuals recognize this complexity, whereas a clueless person might oversimplify or overlook nuances. There is beauty in simplicity, but there is also beauty in complexity. If it weren’t for complexity, we as humans would not exist.
10. Growth Mindset: Those with an open mind often have a growth mindset, believing abilities and understanding can be developed. This mindset drives them to continually seek knowledge and evolve, contrasting sharply with the stagnation that might characterize “cluelessness.”
Open-mindedness is a desirable trait involving continuous learning, critical thinking, and emotional depth, making it vastly different from cluelessness or ignorance. It can help us be well-rounded in every area of life: physical, emotional, spiritual, and consciousness.
Many today want to stifle open-mindedness and force people to think one way, their way, but it is time to restore this concept and allow freedom to blossom.