Benefits of a Trustful Character
A trustful character is an endearing trait that can be exhibited, practiced, and enjoyed by anyone and everyone at any level in life. From the highest to the lowest, the richest to the poorest, an employee or employer, all experience its effects.
We learn from our history how this very trait was valued by the old civilizations, the different rulers, kings, queens, and empires. We also know of the importance of this same trait in society, its impacts daily. It is a moral trait that has impacted people both positively and negatively.
At some point in our lives, we’ve all heard of life-changing stories about someone somewhere who was either promoted in life because of this trait or another who suffered some loss or betrayal because of the negative side of the attribute. We can appreciate that this trait, character, has pros and cons, but the benefits of a trustful nature will always outweigh its impediments.
One would then ask what trust, trustworthiness, or a trustful character is. Trust is the convincing sentiment that the other person is honest and will not lie, cheat, steal, or betray them. A trusting nature is a reputable behavior of trusting others and our environment. A trustful character is a trait that is honorable, respectful, compassionate, kind, all the key traits that bring one a niche above the rest on an excellent moral standards scale. Below are several benefits of developing a trustful character:
1. Gain peace of mind
One of the benefits of a trustful character is that one will achieve peace of mind all the time. People who possess trusting nature generally sleep well at night. Even their well-being improves. They take pride in knowing that their intentions and actions are honorable.
Untruthful people are constantly stressed out. They live in fear of being caught in their lies and dishonesty. They’re always looking over their shoulders. They live in suspicion and paranoia because they cannot trust anyone due to their untruthful persona.
However, trustworthy people stay true to what they believe in. They do right by others, treating others the same way they would want to be treated.
George MacDonald said it best, “to be trustworthy is a greater compliment than being loved.” It is more fulfilling knowing that people can depend on us and trust our honor or skill. We can create sustainable inner peace when we work on, develop, and maintain our moral values.
2. Builds authentic relationships
Another benefit of trust is that it strengthens relationships. People with trustful character enjoy authentic and meaningful relationships. People naturally gravitate towards kind, honest, and loyal characters. These are all traits that are defined by a trusting nature. When people trust, they tend to let their guard down and open up, and so they need someone humble, truthful, and reliable. They need someone to be vulnerable with. To them, our word is as good as gold. In any relationship, trustworthiness is grounded on openness, honesty, and mutual respect.
A breach of trust weakens our reputation with the onlookers. With a stained reputation, it is hard to build long-lasting relationships. How other people perceive us either draws them closer or repels them from us? Our reputation is just as important as our character. One trait compliments the other.
- Builds a reputation
It’s easier to influence someone who trusts us than someone who does not. A trustful character can be an influential figure in society or at the workplace. Good character builds good reputations. A good reputation elevates one’s social standing in a community.
A trustful character is one of the top traits that qualify one for a managerial role. It is a critical skill for leadership and mentorship. David Armistead, a successful economist, and strategic planning consultant, once said,’ Trust each other again and again. When the trust level gets high enough, people transcend apparent limits, discovering new and awesome abilities for which they were previously unaware’. The more we learn to trust, the more opportunities open up to us.
Opportunities to share platforms with highly prestigious and honorable people; opportunities to meet our significant others and make lifetime marital commitments; opportunities to be promoted and move higher in a hierarchy, be it at school, church, or work. Our reputation will speak on our behalf and open doors that we least expect possible with a trustful character.
4. Simplifies Communications
Today, much of our communications are shallow and fleeting. However, with a trustful character, you can find yourself having deeper conversations, and most of all, you can reach a connection level. Those deeper conversations require honesty, openness, authenticity, and humility, so trusting embraces these characteristics. If you communicate truthfully, you never have to fear that a spin has gone out of control leading to a break in trust.
5. Builds Leadership Competence
As we grow in our leadership roles, we are always adding to our competency toolbox; however, you can learn how to handle power correctly, share responsibility, and empower others to expand and grow with a trustful character. Having a trusting nature means balancing selfishness and selflessness because I am anchored to my values which are always on the top layer of my conscientiousness.
6. Helps build self-awareness
Today’s leaders need to recognize their limits, strengths, and weaknesses. When you learn to balance these, a leader will become more self-aware through cognitive, emotional, and behavioral skills. It allows you to view yourself and others more clearly, making sense of situations with less personal bias. When we can deepen our understanding by being more aware, we make room for greater clarity of what we can bring to a team, problem, or even a relationship.
7. It helps open your mind to new opportunities
I believe that authentic leaders are truth seekers. Therefore with the pursuit of the truth comes a broadened understanding of people and the context that influences them. Seeking the truth deepens your knowledge of what is and what isn’t reality. It helps us distinguish between fact, pseudo truth, and twisted influencing that goes on with much of the social media and emphasis on self when we should be building working relationships that focus on the growth of a better world. You may find it surprising how many opportunities you are missing because you are closed-minded.
8. Allows Leaders to understand appropriate transparency.
Today, many people are screaming for transparency in business, government, and relationships, but many of us don’t know how to handle transparency. For example, being yourself doesn’t’ give you the license to destroy people with the truth. Ever heard: “I’m just being honest!” Whether in your personal life or your professional one, transparency must be used to help someone and the business. It should never be used to destroy a person’s confidence or diminish their potential.
There are times when there is a crisis that total unbridled transparency is not a good process to envoke. As mentioned above, many cannot handle complete transparency due to biases that they are unwilling to acknowledge. These biases will destroy everything in its path, including individuals and businesses. So a great leader learns to balance everything, provide appropriate transparency, and help people understand their own biases and get to the truth.
9. Aligns behaviors with values
Trustworthy people constantly seek insights into their self-awareness. These insights include knowing your values, understanding why they are your values, and continually measuring your commitment to those values over time. Learning from your mistakes is one of the ways we constantly adjust and hone our values. Knowing your values helps you be more consistent in the way you lead. Consistency breeds trust.
10. It keeps your Ego in check
Being trustworthy, you will not cross any thin moral lines in thought, word, or action because when trustworthiness is deeply seated in your mind, it will keep your Ego in check. It would help if you learned how to keep success from going to your head. Misdirected ambition, pride, or even believing your hype can trick you into behaving in ways that alienate others and undermines valuable relationships.
As a trustworthy leader, employee, or partner, use your understanding of reality, based on your values, to keep your Ego in check. Humility will open doors, and trusting others will expand everyone’s vision for growth when done correctly.
While it takes constant, conscious choices to be and remain trustworthy, these ten benefits illustrate its value. The workplace today can use more leaders and employees that are willing to be themselves. We can use more leaders and employees who act to develop mutually beneficial outcomes for both the organization and its people.
People of trustful character tend to set the standard for excellence. Their words and deeds are inspirational because they live in truth. Harry Emerson Fosdick, an American pastor, once said,’ No virtue is more universally accepted as a test of good character than trustworthiness.’ If we cannot trust enough, we will also not be trusted, and we’ll hinder ourselves from enjoying the fruits of trust.