10 Ways to Avoid Blind Leadership

Ron McIntyre
4 min readSep 5, 2023

Blind leadership is when leaders operate without clear insight, understanding, or foresight, often leading to poor decisions and outcomes for their teams and organizations. This is very apparent in many companies today. It can also refer to leaders with an ego that closes their eyes to the organization’s needs and collaboration structure. Unfortunately, this can be fed by several issues within the company’s culture, inherited or created by the current leadership team.

To cultivate a leadership style that’s both effective and insightful, here are ten ways to avoid blind leadership:

Continuous Learning: Embrace the mindset that learning never stops. Attend workshops, read relevant books, and stay updated with industry trends. By consistently adding to your knowledge base, you ensure you’re making decisions from a position of informed awareness. Be an example to your direct reports and everyone else in the company by demonstrating continued learning.

Encourage Feedback: Make it a regular practice to solicit feedback from your team, peers, and superiors. An open feedback culture allows leaders to understand the consequences of their actions and rectify mistakes before they escalate. While many leaders avoid this, it is the only way they can get a handle on the operation. However, leaders must be aware that many will give feedback stakeholders think the leadership wants to hear instead of being honest.

Cultivate Diversity: Diversity brings a plethora of perspectives and insights. By fostering a diverse team, you’ll benefit from varied viewpoints that can help illuminate potential blind spots. To embrace diversity means that leaders must be willing to empower stakeholders to offer ideas for innovation and provide a solid evaluation system that keeps the employee in the loop.

Stay Connected: Don’t become isolated in a leadership bubble. Stay connected to your team, the ground realities, and your organization’s challenges. Regular interactions with employees can offer a firsthand perspective. Too many leaders hide in their offices under the guise of meetings and phone calls, but they may be afraid to listen to their employees. It takes effort and persistence to accomplish a positive impact.

Practice Self-reflection: Dedicate time regularly to introspect on your decisions, behavior, and leadership style. Understand your strengths and weaknesses and recognize when you’re operating from a blind spot. It is vital for leaders today. Don’t fall prey to just listening to the praise and accolades of others. Dig deep into your actions and learn from your mistakes. Ardent self-evaluation will help build strength and integrity. Recognize your biases and work to mitigate them.

Rely on Data: In today’s digital age, data-driven decisions are more reliable than gut feelings. Ensure you have the right tools and processes to gather accurate data, analyze it, and make informed choices. Don’t just accept someone else’s interpretation. Understand the numbers yourself because, too many times, the data is corrupted by inaccurate input, collection, and algorithms that need to be corrected before the data is valuable.

Seek External Perspectives: Sometimes, leaders can become too insular, leading to a narrow view of situations. Engage with mentors, industry peers, or even professional consultants to gain an external perspective on critical matters. Another opinion can never hurt in the business world if it is not accepted at face value without verification, justification, and cultural examination.

Avoid Confirmation Bias: It’s easy to seek information confirming our pre-existing beliefs. Challenge yourself to look at contrasting viewpoints and opinions, even if they go against your initial inclinations. It helps to ensure a more balanced and accurate understanding of every situation.

You can:

· Review Diverse Sources — Consume information from various sources with different viewpoints.

· Practice Critical Thinking — Question your assumptions and evaluate evidence critically.

· Open Discussion — Discuss with people with different opinions and experiences.

· Fact-checking — Verify information before accepting it as accurate. CRITICAL for leadership today.

Build a Trusting Team: Surround yourself with an empowered team to voice their opinions, even if they contradict yours. A team that only agrees with you can lead to groupthink, often overlooking potential pitfalls.

Stay Humble: The moment a leader believes they have all the answers is the moment they begin to lead blindly. Accept that you won’t always have the correct answers, and be willing to admit when you’re wrong.

In conclusion, blind leadership can be detrimental to any organization or team. By embracing continuous learning, seeking diverse perspectives, and being open to feedback, leaders can navigate with a clear vision and purpose, ensuring the best outcomes for all involved.



Ron McIntyre
Ron McIntyre

Written by Ron McIntyre

Ron McIntyre is a Leadership Anthropologist, Author, and Consultant, who, in semi-retirement, is looking to help people who really want to make a difference.

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